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Woodwardia fimbriata

£8.00 inc. tax

Woodwardia fimbriata
Giant Chain Fern
Available in 9cm pot

Woodwardia fimbriata is a large, evergreen fern which has erect fronds, unlike other Woodwardia ferns.
An unusual fern and not widely grown ,the Woodwardia fimbriata is suited to mild and moist locations where fronds can reach over 2m in length in ideal conditions but more likely to grow to about 1-1.2m in our climate.

Giant Chain Fern holds its spore bearing bits in chain-like ranks along the leaf ribs, but unlike others it has no bulbils on the leaves and the new growth is not tinted red.

  • Once a rarity, this large impressive fern from North America is now much more commonly seen.

    Give it time  to settle and increase, but the wait and patience will be worth it as it is a most impressive fern

    almost tree fern like fronds are rapidly produced during the growing season. The fronds are a deep lush green and produced in a symmetrical vase like formation up to 1.20 high and 1.50cm wide creating a large specimen in just a few years.

    Like many ferns Woodwardia fimbriata does best in a slightly acidic fertile moisture retentive soil. 
    Adding lots of well-rotted farmyard manure and ericaceous compost when planting.
    Generally classed as an evergreen fern Woodwardia fimbriata holds its fronds well during the winter months only looking a little tired just before the new spring fronds are produced.
    A time when we generally tidy them up by completely removing the winter damaged fronds.

    A perfect specimen fern for the shady garden proving to be pretty tough and reliable in most locations.


    Hardy  to about -10C.
Product Code: woodfimb
Product Condition: New
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